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"I think I have a ghost in my house/ business. What should I do now?"

  "I think I have a ghost in my house/ business. What should I do now?"

That is one of the most common questions we are asked. This article will help you understand the typical steps for Tracking possible paranormal activity in your home / business, and then for contacting a paranormal investigator.

First - Don't Panic!!

In many situations there is a very common and non-paranormal explanation for what you are experiencing. A great Many things are misinterpreted as being paranormal. This is made even more common by people today being more Aware of the paranormal.

Presuming there is in fact some kind of paranormal activity happening on the whole there is very little reason to be Concerned. In spit of many celebrated reports, movies, books, television shows etc. reports of actual harm (much Less serious harm) from ghosts is extremely rare.  to read our article "Can Ghosts Hurt You?"




Second - Keep a log.

Keep a detailed and accurate record of all activity you experience. Be sure to list:

The date and time something happens.
Exactly where in your house / business it happens.
Who it happens to or who is around when it happens.
Exactly what happened.
Any other details about the incident. No detail is too small or insignificant! here's some signs to help you

The first step is to determine, as best you can, whether or not you truly have a legitimate case of a haunting. Not all Hauntings are alike, and they may exhibit a variety of phenomena. Some hauntings feature a single phenomenon - Such as a particular door slamming shut that occurs repeatedly - while others consist of many different Phenomena, ranging from odd noises to full-blown apparitions.

Here's a partial list of phenomena that might indicate that your house is haunted:

Unexplained noises - footsteps; knocks, banging, rapping; scratching sounds; sounds of something being dropped. Sometimes these noises can be subtle and other times they can be quite loud.
Doors, cabinets and cupboards opening and closing - most often, these phenomena are not seen directly. The Experiencer either hears the distinct sounds of the doors opening and closing (homeowners /businessowners get to Know quite well the distinctive sounds their houses /business make) or the experiencer will return to a room to find A door open or closed when they are certain that it was left in the opposite position. Sometimes furniture, like Kitchen chairs, are perceived to have been moved. Very rarely will the experiencer actually witness the phenomenon Taking place.
Lights turning off and on - likewise, these events are seldom seen actually occurring, but the lights are switched on Or off when the experiencer knows they were not left that way. This can also happen with TVs, radios and other Electrically powered items.
Items disappearing and reappearing unmistakable scent of a strange perfume in the air.

Unexplained shadows - the sighting of fleeting shapes and shadows, usually seen out of the corner of the eye. This Phenomenon has also been discussed in some detail in "Shadow People." Many times, the shadows have vaguely Human forms, while other times they are less distinguishable or smaller.
Strange animal behavior - a dog, cat or other pet behaves strangely. Dogs may bark at something unseen, cower Without apparent reason or refuse to enter a room they normally do. Cats may seem to be "watching" something Cross a room. Animals have sharper senses than humans, and many researchers think their psychic abilities might Be more finely tuned
Can animal see ghost's






Feelings of being watched - this is not an uncommon feeling and can be attributed to many things, but it could have A  paranormal source if the feeling consistently occurs in a particular part of the house at a particular time.
Those are some of the most common experiences of those who think their houses are haunted. Yet even stranger Things can happen...


Third - Contact a Paranormal Investigator.

Look for a paranormal investigation group in your air. Be sure to find out how things like:

How many years they have been in service performing paranormal investigations.
How many people are in the group? How long have they been with the group?

Are they a scientific/technology based group? Or a spiritual/psychic group?
What are their rules/requirements for coming to your home / business  a minimum of people in the house / Business during the investigation, no pets or animals around, can come during the week or weekends only, etc.)
Will they give you a written report of their findings or just tell you?
Do they charge for an investigation? (all reputable groups will not charge to investigate. Some may ask for a Donation to help with operating and travels costs but should be willing to do the investigation without a donation).

These are the main points to consider if you think you are experiencing paranormal activity in your home or Business. Each case is different and will almost certainly have different aspects and requirements for the Investigation. But these 3 items are generally standard for the initial part of an investigation.

If you have any questions about these items or about other aspects of having an investigation at your home or Business please feel free to contact us.

​If you would like to request a free paranormal investigation by Spiritscrossing Paranormal Investigators in your home or business


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